More about Moore's Law

Barrett once again reaffirmed that Moore's Law is not slowing down and showcased their commitment to 65, 45, 32 and 22nm processes for the future.


Intel appears to be committed to a new process release every 2 years, with the next one being 65nm at the end of this year (publicly available in Jonah/Yonah in 2006). Intel's 45nm process will be introduced similarly at the end of 2007, with product introduction in the beginning of 2008.

Barrett also reaffirmed Intel's strategy to move away from clock speed increases to improve performance instead focusing on multicore technologies. Intel's stance on multicore is similar to what other microprocessor manufacturers have talked about for future products.

A big focus of this IDF is obviously dual and multicore technologies. In the morning's keynote Intel confirmed that next year, 85% of Intel's products/processors will be multicore next year. Intel views multicore as a solution to the demand for performance at continually strict power envelopes.

As a demo of what high performance multicore CPUs will enable, Intel showcased a more polished version of the interactive UI that was shown off at CES. Using a combination of motion sensors in a display as well as some powerful software, the demo showcased the ability to use hand gestures to navigate through video messages.

Barrett showed off two examples of "digital home" PCs, both based off of Intel dual core platforms.

First a 2005 model which looks a lot like a Shuttle SFF with more angles:

Then a 2006 model which looks more like a home theater component:

Barrett also showcased an office model, which looks quite a bit like many of the BTX design samples we've seen in the past:

Index Pimp My Ride at IDF
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  • semo - Wednesday, March 2, 2005 - link

    i'm all for "by wire"...
    electrical transmission/control is a lot more reliable than a mechanical one

    and i wouldn't want wintel in my (future) car either
  • ProviaFan - Tuesday, March 1, 2005 - link

    OMG, I hope that this ridiculous car does not show the way the industry is going. I vow to _never_ drive a car that is steered or otherwise controlled "by wire" in the sense of having a Wintel computer system in between me and the steering mechanism.
  • sprockkets - Tuesday, March 1, 2005 - link

    Nice, but the whole reason for internal windows is so you can have less drag. Not sure why you need a overkill x86 processor for that.

    Of course, why would I want a piece of junk Chrysler anyhow?
  • Doormat - Tuesday, March 1, 2005 - link

    WiMax cant be the solution to the half-assed broadband in this country. Its simply too slow (72Mb/s per node IIRC), when compared with most cable-based broadband speeds between 1.5 and 5Mbit/s. You'd need something a lot faster, or possibly lots of frequencies to get it to replace broadband over coax or fiber.
  • Dubb - Tuesday, March 1, 2005 - link

    holy typos batman!
  • val - Tuesday, March 1, 2005 - link

    In Great Russia, barrets goes for You!
  • pxc - Tuesday, March 1, 2005 - link

    What about Intel HD Audio with ALSA, TrianoCore, NForce SLI/LGA775 and PCI-E 1.1?!?!?!?
  • Kalessian - Tuesday, March 1, 2005 - link

    First Post!!

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