Metro: 2033

Paired with Crysis as our second behemoth FPS is Metro: 2033. Metro gives up Crysis’ lush tropics and frozen wastelands for an underground experience, but even underground it can be quite brutal on GPUs, which is why it’s also our new benchmark of choice for looking at power/temperature/noise during a game. If its sequel due this year is anywhere near as GPU intensive then a single GPU may not be enough to run the game with every quality feature turned up.


The situation with Metro is fairly similar to what we’ve seen under Crysis. Once more AMD sits in the lead here with the GTX 660 effectively splitting the difference between the 7850 and 7870 at the all-important resolution of 1920. Though NVIDIA does squeak by with a win at 1680.

Meanwhile as a more shader-heavy game than Crysis we finally see a gap open up between the GTX 660 Ti and GTX 660, with the GTX 660 coming in at roughly 87% of the performance of the GTX 660 Ti. The GTX 660 is only 76% the price of the GTX 660 Ti, so any time NVIDIA can offer similar performance with the GTX 660 they’re undercutting the GTX 660 Ti.

Crysis: Warhead DiRT 3
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  • TemjinGold - Thursday, September 13, 2012 - link

    "For today’s launch we were able to get a reference clocked card, but in order to do so we had to agree not to show the card or name the partner who supplied the card."

    "Breaking open a GTX 660 (specifically, our EVGA 660 SC using the NV reference PCB),"

    So... didn't you just break your promise as soon as you made it AND show a pic of the card right underneath?
  • Sufo - Thursday, September 13, 2012 - link

    Haha, shhhh!
  • Homeles - Thursday, September 13, 2012 - link

    Reading comprehension is such an endangered resource...

    If it's the super clocked edition, it's obviously not a reference clocked card.
  • jonup - Thursday, September 13, 2012 - link

    Exactly my thoughts.
  • Ryan Smith - Thursday, September 13, 2012 - link

    Homeles is correct. That's one of the cards from the launch roundup we're publishing later today.. The reference-clocked GTX 660 we tested is not in any way pictured (I'm not quite that daft).
  • knutjb - Saturday, September 15, 2012 - link

    No matter what you try to say it still reads poorly. It should be blatantly obvious about which card was which up front, which the article wasn't. I should have to dig when scanning through.

    Also, your picking it as the better choice over a card that has been out how long, over slight differences... If nvivda really wanted to me to say wow I'll buy it now, the card would have been no more than 199 at launch. 10 bucks under is the best they can do for being late to the party? And you bought the strategy. I have been equally disappointed with AMD when they have done the same thing.
  • MrSpadge - Sunday, September 16, 2012 - link

    When reading Anadtech articles it's almost always safe to assume "he actually means what he's saying". Helps a lot with understanding.
  • thomp237 - Sunday, September 23, 2012 - link

    So where is this roundup? We are now 10 days on from your comment and still no signs of a roundup.
  • CeriseCogburn - Friday, October 12, 2012 - link

    I have been wondering where all the eyefinity amd fragglers have gone to, and now I know what has occurred.

    Eyefinity is Dead.

    These Kepler GPU's from nVidia all can do 4 monitors out of the box. Sure you might find a cheap version with 3 ports, whatever - that's the minority.

    So all the amd fanboys have shut their fat traps about eyefinity, since nVidia surpassed them with A+ 4 easy monitors out of the box on all the Kelpers.

    Thank you nVidia dearly for shutting the idiot pieholes of the amd fanboys.

    It took me this long to comment on this matter because nVidia fanboys don't all go yelling in unison sheep fashion about stuff like the little angry losing amd fans do.

    I have also noticed all the reviewers who are so used to being amd fan rave boys themselves almost never bring up multimonitor and abhor pointing out nVidia does 4 while amd only does 3 except in very expensive special cases.

    Yeah that's notable too. As soon as amd got utterly and totally crushed, it was no longer a central topic and central theme for all the review sites like this place.

    That 2 week Island vacation every year amd puts hundreds of these reporters on must be absolutely wonderful.
    I do hope they are treated very well and have a great time.
  • EchoOne - Wednesday, November 21, 2012 - link

    LOL dude,the 660ti vs the 7950 in eyefinity would get destroyed.I know this because my friend has a comp build with a phenom 965be 4.2ghz and 660ti with 16gb of ram (i built this for him) and i have a fx 6100 4.7ghz,16gb ram and a 7950 i run a triple monitor setup

    And his 660ti DIED trying to play the games at that res and at the same settings as i do.He had to take down his graphics settings from say gta4 from max settings down to about medium and high (i run very high)

    So yeah sure it can run a couple monitors out of the box but same with eyefinity.And trust me their nvidia surround is not as polished as eyefinity..But they get props for trying.

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