Final Words

Simplicity permeates Apple from design and software all the way down to the purchasing experience. The 2013 MacBook Air offers only two choices of CPUs, and honestly for the vast majority of the population, that's all you really need. The default Core i5 1.3GHz (4250U) delivers the best overall battery life regardless of workload. Its performance is often somewhere in between a 2011 and 2012 MacBook Air depending on workload, although in some cases it's possible to see equivalent performance to an upgraded 2012 MBA. If you need more performance however, the 1.7GHz Core i7 upgrade (4650U) delivers. In most situations you get more than a 20% increase in performance, bringing the platform up to somewhere in between last year's 1.7GHz Core i5 and 2.0GHz Core i7 options. Once again, with the right workload you could even see performance as much as 20% better than a 2GHz Core i7 from last year. Although I didn't publish any results here, GPU performance seemed roughly unchanged compared to the Core i5 option.

The tradeoff in battery life is pretty easy to understand. In mostly idle workloads, I wouldn't expect any real degradation in battery life compared to the Core i5. Both configurations are equally capable of hitting the same max battery life number. More active workloads however will likely show a 15 - 20% decrease in battery life when paired with the faster CPU. It's possible that you'll see a larger drop with a very aggressive CPU-bound usage model, but at that point I'd assume that you'll probably want to be plugged in regardless of what system you're using.

In previous MacBook Airs, the choice of what CPU to buy was almost always a difficult one. Do you opt for the in-between upgrade or go all the way to the top? With this year's model, the decision is greatly simplified. If you want ultimate battery life regardless of usage model, stick with the base Core i5. If you need performance, the Core i7 upgrade is absolutely worth it. My personal choice would be for the Core i5, but that's because I tend to fall on the battery life side of of the battery life vs. performance fence when it comes to the MacBook Air. If the MacBook Air is going to be your only machine however, I can definitely make a case for opting for more performance.

Battery Life & Thermals
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  • Esko747 - Thursday, July 4, 2013 - link

    Thought: Would using an efficient laptop cooler increase the performance at noticeable rate? The chassis in these are after all used as a heatsink, and the main thing stopping the processor from using higher clocks for longer periods of time is heat.
  • IntelUser2000 - Thursday, July 4, 2013 - link

    That depends on whether cooling solution in the Macbook Air is good enough for the TDP or not.

    Yes, if the system is substandard, minor to zero if its not. Haswell uses similar Turbo system to Sandy/Ivy Bridge where it has a "guaranteed" Turbo and higher "opportunistic" Turbo, which the latter would turn off after a certain period regardless of how cool its running(to keep it at 15W power use averaged out over longer periods).

    I'm guessing the 2.8GHz reached for the Core i7 in the Multi-threaded suite is the "opportunistic" Turbo, and in infinite time periods with sufficient cooling, it'll settle at 2.4-2.5GHz.
  • SteveKen - Monday, July 8, 2013 - link

    Love my job, since I've been bringing in $82h… I sit at home, music playing while I work in front of my new iMac that I got now that I'm making it online. (Home more information)
  • FwFred - Thursday, July 4, 2013 - link

    This reminds me of the Nexus 4 freezer test. Anyone willing to stick their MBA in a freezer??? All in the name of science of course.
  • mavere - Thursday, July 4, 2013 - link

    Based on my past experience, the Macbooks don't thermal throttle until ~100C, so within the context of this article, I doubt there'd be much difference.

    That might change with the fan gets dusty, though. One can also reapply the thermal paste inside the machine for a (frustratingly) consistent 10-15C drop and lower fan noise.
  • dsumanik - Thursday, July 4, 2013 - link

    "Oh man, the Core i7 upgraded seriously fixes everything."

    -anand lai shimpi

    Direct acknowledgement the initial 2013 air review left you with a sense of disappointment, and sub par performance. Yet you read that review and its all roses, praises and recommendations, furthermore followed by a direct advertising "best mac laptops - June 2013" article, which recommends purchasing the same laptop.

    I mean after all if the 2013 MBA was so great there would be nothing to "fix"



    Samsung made a new PCIE SSD and intel released a new processor.
    Apple put it in the same package. That is ZERO ZERO ZERO innovation.
    They are still recycling products from the JOBS ERA thats why the stock is going to continue to fall.

    You want them to start innovating again Anand?

    Rip apple a new asshole when they re-release this same junk!!!!

    I have been coming to this site for over a decade.

    You, anand, personally, directly, have lost your impartial journalism and professionalism.

    is Tim Stevens on your speed dial or what?

    What possible motive could you have for ignoring the facts and promoting their products blindly like this?

    There is only one many other media blogs, AT has substantially invested and now lost money in apple stock, or are directly, or indirectly getting kickbacks and are now trying to stop the bleeding.

    "Oh man, the Core i7 upgraded seriously fixes everything."


    - same design as last year- stethoscope when plugged in, switch the TB PORT!!! NO BRAINER!!!

    - in 2013 a "premium apple experience" delivers 1366 x 768 resolution.. I mean come on 1998 era 1600x1200 would have been at least SOMETHING LOL..and absolutely technologically possible.
    I mean come on you have double the battery life now!!!!!!!

    - no 16gb ram option???? so cheap and easy to do. But nah, peeps will still buy it. Thaty is exactly how the board meeting on that one went.

    - no LTE or modem support, you should buy an iPhone for that.

    - there are wifi problems galore with the new model, and wifi limitations within OSX itself....don't believe me? .... you reported it in your last article but any MBA owners running boot camp have known this for over a year need to transfer a big file? Boot into windows and cut the time in EXACTLY half.

    Eff this shit im out, this site's owner is straight up least he got burned on apple stock for it.

    Pay backs a bitch huh.
  • JKflipflop98 - Thursday, July 4, 2013 - link

    People like you are a cancer on this Earth. I hope you finally succumb to your syphilis infection. Good day, sir.
  • KoolAidMan1 - Friday, July 5, 2013 - link

    Apple haters are more annoying and idiotic than any Apple fanboy, which is quite an achievement. People like this are amazing
  • iwod - Friday, July 5, 2013 - link

    Yes, Apple Fanboy and Haters, the irony. The truth is, Anyone, absolutely anyone who work within the industry would have had at least a little bit of respect to Apple. Be it Intel, AMD, or heck even Samsung or Google. And by ALL standards Apple has consistently put fourth one of the best hardware.
    So in that sense Apple Fanboy are at least better, because even if they know jack about Apple it still have a product that is worth talking about.
    And Apple haters, are like you said annoying as hell as most of the time they dont have a clue about what innovation actually means and literally knows nothing about design, engineering and tech. And what's even worst is that they "think" they know a lot. And They just hate because they hate.
    And back to those work within the industry and why they actually have a little respect for Apple? Because they actually know their stuff. Not just clueless mind bogging trolls who goes on the internet everyday reading mostly incorrect and false statement and pretend they know a lot.
  • dsumanik - Friday, July 5, 2013 - link

    nothing to do with apple love or hate...I've pointed out that anand wrote a positive article about the MBA, then in his own words, revealed deep down inside he felt it needed "fixing"

    He then went on to write a second article further promoting this product, specifically promoting it.

    Connect the dots folks, stop changing the subject to apple vs microsoft and goole, i know your hamster brains are trained to do that...its reflex now....but my point was ananda bias, and then advertising of a product he was surprised to find slow, and at best on par with last years model... and still unchanged as a platform and product as a whole.

    dont hate me cuz it has an apple logo on it.

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