Ready to experience "the fastest tablets in the world?" Well you'll have to wait just a little longer. Archos announced that their new 80 G9 tablet would go on presale through on September 20th. Sadly, this SKU, which will be available at most online e-tailers on September 30th, will be the 8GB model whose dual-core OMAP 4430 is clocked at 1 GHz.  The fire breathing, speed demon SKUs, whose OMAP 4460 SoCs are clocked at 1.5 GHz, won't be available until October. 

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The French manufacturer is looking to make big waves with these devices, solidifying a spot in the cut-throat tablet market. If you'll recall, Archos will be offering magnetic storage along with the typical flash variety, which paired with Archos history of excellent codec support could make this the tablet of choice for media savvy users. Based on the press release, Android 3.2 will be on hand, with Android Market access at the ready, and no skinning mentioned. Pricing remains competitive, the top of the line Archos G9 101 1.5 GHz, 250 GB model tops out at just $469, a price that ducks the lesser specced Galaxy Tab 10.1 by $30. We'll know just how well these beasts compete when they launch in October.

Source: Archos

Price List:
ARCHOS 80 G9 8GB – 1 GHZ at $299
ARCHOS 80 G9 16GB - 1.5 GHz at $329
ARCHOS 80 G9 250GB – 1.5 GHz at $369
ARCHOS 101 G9 16GB – 1.5 GHz at $399
ARCHOS 101 G9 250GB – 1.5 GHz at $469

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  • heymrdj - Friday, September 16, 2011 - link

    I can't wait for this to come off. I'm holding off of a Transformer to see how these compete with the current and upcoming generation of more powerful tablets. That price is certainly competitive, I'm afraid they've probably nuked the quality of the screen to make the difference.
  • quiksilvr - Friday, September 16, 2011 - link

    What worries me is that there was no mention of multi-touch capacitive screens and no mention of IPS LED technology. Yes I'm sure it is faster, but what's the point if the screen is crap?

    I do hope that Archos fixed their screens this time around otherwise this will just be another dud.
  • tipoo - Friday, September 16, 2011 - link

    A fair trade off for the price they are offering, IMO. If they pack it to the grills they can hardly be this cheap.
  • quiksilvr - Friday, September 16, 2011 - link

    Not really. The 10" model is priced the same as the ASUS Transformer.
  • Gondalf - Friday, September 16, 2011 - link

    Too bad that nobody is buying this things....only IPad is selling a lot.
    I am courious to see future multicore arm cpus running Win 8....i have the suspect that the power consumption will are far higher. Windows 8 kernel is likely complex and uses a lot of resources...will see, maybe Microsoft has done well this time and Win 8 for tablets is "light" :).
  • GotThumbs - Friday, September 16, 2011 - link

    Only to fools who are quick to use one of the most restrictive companies. You can't even use an IPAD until you 'REGISTER' it through Itunes. Ipad has had its time. Now its time for products that allow more choices by the individual users. It's been 40 years since I've been able to walk on my own.....I DON"T need apple controlling my mobility.
  • Gondalf - Friday, September 16, 2011 - link

    Agreed, i'll never buy an Apple product....not even an Ipod :). Still many peoples like this pervasive intrusion in it's own freedom. Strange thing ....yes :)
  • bupkus - Friday, September 16, 2011 - link

    Appreciating freedom comes only after you master the elementary. The iPad is a good set of training wheels for the masses who seem to struggle with the basics. You must have encountered these people during your years when an aunt or uncle asked you how to do this or that on their desktop pc?

    Haven't you ever done some level of tech support?

    Consider this-- if not for the Henry Fords and other individuals who pioneered some item for the masses the more adept wouldn't have had products with more expanded capabilities.

    So ask yourself this-- if Apple hadn't presented the iPad in that special Steve Jobs manner, would there be any tablets from Samsung? I'm not saying "never" but probably not yet.

    I would have to say, it's not about the technology but more about the marketing. Once it is proven a product can be profitable the other, less adventuresome and more opportunistic companies will grab that bumper and hitch a ride as far as it will take them.

    I give credit where it is due. Apple did us all a service in that now we will see the fruit of both Apple's gamble and Samsung's (and others) one-upmanship.

    Note: my statement makes no statement to Apple's litigations. That discussion has already been mangled to death.
  • jmunjr - Friday, September 16, 2011 - link

    Asus introduced the netbook and look how that market grew. Does Apple even have a netbook? In fact, without the netbook you could easily argue the ipad wouldn't be around, at least not today...
  • Subzero0000 - Sunday, September 18, 2011 - link

    You are unbelievable !

    netbook market grew to what? It wasn't as popular as it should've been, cus' its price is almost the same as notebook, its form-factor is the same as notebook, its OS is the same as notebook.

    Here in Hong Kong, it's a dense city, but I didn't see many people use netbook. It's iPad that really get popular around.

    iPad/Android pad do not need netbook to start. They are not even in the same category. netbook didn't reinvent computing to the mass, it's just a smaller notebook.

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